*Walk-in appointments are available at our Holland Program Office (411 Butternut Dr.) beginning June 14*
If last year taught us anything, it is that we must continue to shift and adapt to meet the needs of survivors in our community. While our services currently remain predominantly virtual, we wanted to highlight the work Resilience is doing at this time and the services that are available. Looking into the future, we are hopeful to re-open our offices at a time that is safe for survivors, staff, and volunteers. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We’re here to help.
Supportive Services for Survivors of Domestic & Sexual Violence
When the state-mandated shutdowns began in March, we immediately shifted our services to become available remotely, whenever possible. Currently, our case management programs and therapy for children and adults are being offered via telehealth. Resilience staff members work with survivors to maintain safety and confidentiality. Support, legal advocacy, safety planning and help with forms such as Personal Protection Orders remains available virtually.
Help is available 24 hours a day by contacting our Help Line (available in English or Spanish) or send us a message through our safe email.
24-Hour Help Line: 1-800-848-5991
Hablamos Español: 1-866-728-2131
Safe E-mail: GinnyP411@gmail.com
Emergency Shelter Operations
For domestic violence survivors, stay at home mandates can be deadly. With nearly all businesses and community gathering places temporarily shuttered, there simply aren‘t places to go for respite. Our Emergency Shelter, Ginny’s Place, has remained in operation throughout the pandemic and is available for victims of abuse seeking safe and confidential shelter.
Sexual Assault Exams
Sexual assault forensic exams remain available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Trained registered nurses are available around the clock to administer timely, sensitive, and comprehensive forensic medical examinations for adults and teens who have recently experienced a sexual assault. Specially trained advocates provide emotional support, education, and legal advocacy for survivors and their families. Services for survivors of sexual assault are available to anyone age 13 or older. Survivors over 16 (age of consent) can choose whether or not they report the assault to law enforcement.
Though we have not had many in-person volunteer opportunities available the last few months, we are slowly and safely working back into having staff on site in various volunteer capacities. Virtual volunteer opportunities are available, including Help Line Volunteer.
To learn more about volunteering, visit www.resilienceMI.org/volunteer
Please only bring donations to our Holland Program Office, preferably during business hours. Donations can be left in the front entryway of Resilience. Donation receipts are available if desired. Click here to view our donation wishlist.
Resilient Spaces Training
Domestic violence often carries over into the places where we work and worship. An abuser not only harms the person they are victimizing; family, friends and co-workers are also at risk. Resilient Spaces is a fee-based training program that works with local businesses, faith communities, and partner organizations to increase their understanding of domestic violence and how to respond safely and effectively. We have shifted the program to be available virtually. Tiered levels of pricing and engagement are available.
To learn more about Resilient Spaces, email prevention@ResilienceMI.org
For free and confidential support, contact us any time:
24-Hour Help Line: 1-800-848-5991
Hablamos Español: 1-866-728-2131
Safe E-mail: GinnyP411@gmail.com