August 26 is Women’s Equality Day!
Today, we honor the struggles and achievements of women and the men who fought with them for the women’s right to vote, and we recognize women’s progress toward greater equality in society. Women’s Equality Day also reminds us of the important work left to be done.
In 2022, women are making 17% less than men on average, and it is an even larger deficit when you look at the breakdown for women of color. For working mothers, there is the challenge of making less and then having to pay for expenses such as childcare to be able to go to work, or even having to leave work early, ultimately working fewer hours, to take care of a child. There are also issues when it comes to paid leave or any leave of absence. Because paid maternity leave is not guaranteed, any woman who decides to have a child could lose their savings in the eight weeks that they would be gone.
These few examples just scratch the surface of the barriers that women face in terms of economic justice. While we have seen improvements when it comes to economic equality, there is much work to be done before women can truly experience equality.
Take time out of your day to join in discussions of equality and inclusion. Some of these topics can be difficult to talk about but hearing and speaking about them in a safe place helps to increase awareness and understand the perspectives of others. It can also mean that you feel empowered to speak up – and stand up – for others, and yourself, as you go about your daily life.
How can we celebrate Women’s Equality today?
Read: Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All
Visit: to learn about pay inequity and support Black, Latinx, Native, AANHPI, and Moms Equal Pay Days
Donate to support women’s reproductive rights: Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Register to vote:
Free and confidential support for survivors of domestic and sexual violence:
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