
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from Resilience

DV Education Series: Dealing with Anger

DV Education Series: Dealing with Anger

Anger is a common and very real emotion that every single human deals with. However; for survivors, this emotion can be overwhelming and confusing. There are ways to cope with anger that don’t involve risking harm to yourself or another person.  

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DV Education Series: Characteristics of Abusive Personalities

DV Education Series: Characteristics of Abusive Personalities

We are often asked, “What does an abusive person look like?” The truth is, there is no size-fits-all description of an abuser. However, warning signs of abuse, often called “red flags,” can signal to us that a partner may be trying to hold power or control over us. 

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DV Education Series: What Keeps us in Abusive Relationships

DV Education Series: What Keeps us in Abusive Relationships

Many survivors will tell you that getting out of an abusive situation is never as simple as “just leaving”. We must empower a person’s choice and not mandate specific paths of action, as the person in the relationship knows the safest way to navigate their situation. 

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DV Education Series: Safety Planning

DV Education Series: Safety Planning

Safety planning is crucial now more than ever, with many survivors of abuse unable to find a safe space where they can escape abuse during quarantine. A safety plan outlines ways to identify if you’re in a dangerous relationship, tips on staying safe, and preparing to leave an abusive relationship. 

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DV Education Series: Verbal & Emotional Abuse

DV Education Series: Verbal & Emotional Abuse

Verbal abuse is a way for perpetrators of violence to gain power and control over their partner by persuading them to believe something that is untrue and harmful. Almost all individuals who have experienced physical assault report having experienced verbal abuse as well.  

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DV Education Series: Power & Control

DV Education Series: Power & Control

Domestic Violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one person to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Our Case Management Team takes a deeper look at tactics abusers use to gain control over their partners.

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Free Resources During COVID-19

Free Resources During COVID-19

Resilience staff has put together educational resources to help with schooling and fun resources to help combat any anxiety and cabin fever families may be feeling.

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When Staying Home Isn’t Safe

When Staying Home Isn’t Safe

 For domestic violence survivors, stay at home mandates can be deadly. With nearly all businesses and community gathering places temporarily shuttered, there simply aren’t places to go for respite or to reach out for help.

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Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault

Healing from sexual assault is a process, and will look different for each and every individual. Take the time to educate yourself on how to support survivors, it makes a difference in their lives and in the world altogether.  

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