Resilience Webinar on Domestic Violence and COVID-19
Hosted by Resilience Staff Members: Holly J. and Adrienne F.
For domestic violence survivors, stay at home mandates can be deadly. With nearly all businesses and community gathering places temporarily shuttered, there simply aren’t places to go for respite or to reach out for help. Domestic violence is about power and control. When an abuser feels like they are losing control, their controlling behaviors, such as isolating their partner or battering, often escalate. During the pandemic, while we are all dealing with feelings of loss of control, domestic violence victims are at an increased risk of getting hurt or becoming victims of homicide.
On Monday, April 20, we offered a free webinar for community members that are interested in learning more about the impact COVID-19 has had on survivors of intimate partner violence and what you can do to help.
Topics include:
- What is Domestic Violence?
- Why is this topic important?
- COVID-19, Isolation, and Power & Control Tactics
- Considerations for Specific Populations
- How you can Help